New Gear…

Lorraine and I stopped by the Arlen Ness Store located in Dublin California for a pair of riding glasses. We both needed some since our older sets had bit the dust many months ago. This time we went with the WileyX brand that has the removable deflection padding. I We know now how important having the removable option is as our original set became unusable after many sweaty summer days. I’ve always wanted a set like these since they change shading depending on the available sunlight. I can now have one set to use for both day and night time riding conditions.

At the same time Lorraine eyed the carbon fiber helmets and made a comment how less “kazoo” looking they were. We ended up buying one for each of us. These are considered riding gear and it’s my philosophy that if you have proper and safe riding gear you lessen the chance of an accident. Our helmet collection is growing steadily. I myself see using only 2 or 3 the rest are going to collect dust.

We tried the out the new gear tonight and both the helmet and glasses past with flying colors. I can’t believe how light the carbon fiber helmet feels on my head and how much protection my new WileyX glasses provides.

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