A First…

I’m actually sitting in the airport (Stockholm, Sweden) and using my Blackberry to post up on my Blog.

I barely made it to the airport on time. I had scheduled to be here approximately 3 hours before flight time, I cut it dangerously close by getting here only 2 hours and 45 minutes to spare.

I picked up a muffin and Red Bull. I then proceeded to check out the office space availability afterwards.

As I sat in my new office chair some MoFo kept banging on the door. This particular setup had two enclosed stalls so I was pretty ticked he kept banging on mine. Thump, Bump, Thump, Bump. I yelled “hold on” as nice as I could. Thump, Bump, Thump, Bump. Man, this guy is relentless.

After I’ve completed my project at hand I go to leave and open the door and see a wheelchair blocking my path. Ahhhh, says the slueth in me, that extra large wheelchair had a tough time manuevering in this dinky ass entrance section, that explains the bumpin’. The thought never crossed my mind to wheel it out into the terminal so I could watch from the distance a guy crawling out of the bathrooms.

Oh well, maybe some other time…

So what I do with so much extra time on my hands? I search for a wheelchaired MoFo so I can take his photo! Got it!!! I’ll upload photo when I can. That’s a shortcoming with Blackberry. Great for doing text lousy for photo manipulation…

Okay, because I said I would, here is the spy photo I took…


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