Category Archives: Daily Rants

Heading off to see grandson…

We are heading off to New Orleans to see our grandson. He’s not born yet but we’ll hopefully be there before he arrives. Flying out of Sacramento, CA. taking the early bird flight.

We dropped off Serenity and Miles off to the pet boarding house located in Lodi, CA. This place is like Disneyland for dogs. I’m not sure they’re going to want to leave such a plush setting and service when we get back home. 


Getting ready tonight with the packing. Lorraine looks as if she is stating for a week or so. I can probably fit all my clothes in a shoe box. 

What again?…

I’ve had an up and down affair with blogs ever since they became available to the general public. I think the notion that you can say whatever you want and not be censored appeals to the “purest”. That’s all before they get swallowed up by the behemoth FB. It seems they’ve made it so much easier to share your thoughts and adventures. Unfortunately you also get a lot of noise from others that believe taking a photograph of what they are eating for breakfast at home is an adventure.

So I’ve come back around in a loop. The thought of blogging is great to keep in contact with family and friends and also document experiences as they happen. In my case I’m becoming more forgetful so this media format is ideal. What I’ve done is migrate my very first blog database into the one you’re reading now. That means this blog goes way back..

On with the story…