
After 28 years of continuous work I got my first pink slip ever! It’s a weird feeling to not get up early in the morning and head to work. Now I get up, hop on the computer and go job searching. I heard it was tough out there to find a job and now I’m getting the full story. What I did for a living is hard to find in a economy that is cutting back mass production. The days of producing high tech industrial electronics in mass quantities seems to be behind us. I can remember a few years ago setting up production lines in China thinking how can there possibly be enough buyers. I suppose at that time companies were buying anticipating huge sales and there were, for awhile. It seems the high tech industry has slowed down to a crawl customers are buying just to fill current orders and not taking in a backlog avoiding a huge inventory. Customers are getting tighter with their dollars and it has affected everyone from the engineer designing the product to the assembler building it. I fall in between that tech food chain and now feeling the full affects. So what do I do? Take time off staring at sites like monster.com and type a few lines here to distract me for a minute. Oh well, nuff’ said, back to the search…

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