Today I continued working on the cluster gauge repair. More specifically the center digital display is all wonky. I can drive for a few miles and the digits and will become garbled and not readable. It also at times would not display digits at all. Sometimes “tapping” the upper bezel area near the plexiglass covering restored functionality but only for a few minutes at a time.

Removing the entire gauge cluster is not an easy task but dropping the steering column down makes the task much easier and less chance of breaking any plastic tabs or cracking other weak pieces.

I removed the existing solder from every pin that was associated with a harness connection. I then soldered each connection, checking to make sure the fillet was correct and no fractures occurred during handling.

My initial test drive after working on the cluster gauge is promising. I would normally drive for a few miles before the center digital display would start acting wonky. It seemed to be more shock and vibration prone than heat related.

I didn’t experience any loss of display measurements during my short 20 minute ride around the neighboring hillsides. I plan on testing it further tomorrow.