All posts by admin

Rolled with the buds…

I went for a further ride today. Went up to SacTown to checkout an upholstery shop, grubbed at a kicking tri-tip hole in the wall joint then to see the closing of the Elk Grove HD dealership. The more miles I do before the end of the month the better for my strength during the Northern Coastal run.

Rolling again…

I’ve been riding the Harley and VTX Custom around town the past few days trying to regain strength and becoming familiar with my physical limitations if any exist. So far, I’ve been able to ride without any discomforts like I used to have.

Aloha Time…

Lorraine and I drove over to San Francisco Presidio to check out the annual Aloha Festival. It’s probably one of the biggest events of its type in NorCal. We had a good time checking out the dancers, foods and vendor booths. As the day continued it started to get warmer. Halfway during our stay I had to remove my sweatshirt and just wear my tank top. It got fairly warm while we were walking around. One thing for certain, after being around the Pacific Islander culture we want to make a trip back to the islands. As a matter of fact we want to live there eventually. We had a great time and look forward to next years event.

Getting Stronger…

I’ve been riding the Harley Davidson Roadking around town the past few days. I’m getting used to any limitations my surgery may have caused. So far, I feel like I can ride normal. I do have some discomfort when moving my head certain directions or angles but for the most part I can ride safely. I plan on putting more miles this week on the scoot and start building up the strength in my neck and back area so I guess I’ll be hitting a few shops around the valley just to have a destination.

New Gear…

Lorraine and I stopped by the Arlen Ness Store located in Dublin California for a pair of riding glasses. We both needed some since our older sets had bit the dust many months ago. This time we went with the WileyX brand that has the removable deflection padding. I We know now how important having the removable option is as our original set became unusable after many sweaty summer days. I’ve always wanted a set like these since they change shading depending on the available sunlight. I can now have one set to use for both day and night time riding conditions.

At the same time Lorraine eyed the carbon fiber helmets and made a comment how less “kazoo” looking they were. We ended up buying one for each of us. These are considered riding gear and it’s my philosophy that if you have proper and safe riding gear you lessen the chance of an accident. Our helmet collection is growing steadily. I myself see using only 2 or 3 the rest are going to collect dust.

We tried the out the new gear tonight and both the helmet and glasses past with flying colors. I can’t believe how light the carbon fiber helmet feels on my head and how much protection my new WileyX glasses provides.

No brace!

I’ve been taking it easy without the brace lately. I have officially a week to go before I am able to rid of it but I’m taking it easy. I only rode the motorcycle twice :O – I will be officially cleared to ride the scoot in a month but you know how that goes. It would be damn near impossible for me to wait the full healing duration. Once I feel I’m up to it, I’m going to do it. That’s the way I roll…

Harley’s back…

I went and picked up Harley at the vet’s. He is now neutered and has a pet microchip installed. I can tell he was feeling the discomfort of the surgery as he wasn’t his usual self getting in and out of the car. The operation was a success and we’ll see what kind of results we get.