1963 Thunderbird Doorlocks…

This evening I had a locksmith (Mike) come over and try to make a door key. The standard ignition key is supposed to open both doors. Somewhere during the lifetime of Josie one of the owners must have replaced the ignition switch because it no longer opened the doors.

After trying for over an hour Mike was able to get the passenger door working with a key that he made. Curiously enough it also worked on the ignition which probably means the drivers door has a problem. I more than likely be taking off the drivers door this weekend.

EDIT: 20160423

Mike the locksmith came back over to try and solve the driver door problem. He spent at least another 2 hours messing with it. In the end he was unable to open the drivers door with a key. In fact he accidentally disengage the lock connecting rod inside of the door! This means I will definitely have to remove the panel. Chit.

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